Why Buy Wisconsin Ginseng?

Wisconsin ginseng is known as the highest-quality Panax quinquefolius in the world and has the reputation for the best quality in the world. Wisconsin is number one in the United States in the production of ginseng, accounting for about 90 to 95 percent of all ginseng produced in the country, and Marathon County is the top ginseng growing county in the state, producing about 95 percent of Wisconsin’s annual crop.
Every ounce of ginseng grown in the state of Wisconsin is carefully and properly grown as nature intended by farmers who have many years of experience. Wisconsin has cool summers, rolling hills and virgin soil to grow highly potent American ginseng. Producers in Wisconsin also have generations of growing experience. Wisconsin Ginseng growers strive to produce the highest-quality Panax quinquefolius in the world. Savvy consumers request Wisconsin Ginseng.
The United States has strict pesticide usage standards for agricultural products. All Wisconsin-grown American Ginseng satisfies rigorous safety tests established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The GBW has worked extensively to develop U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) grading standards for cultivated American ginseng to assure the marketplace of consistency in ginseng produced.
Additionally, Wisconsin Ginseng contains high ginsenoside (the active ingredient) levels. Wisconsin Ginseng also offers the highly-desired bittersweet taste. This unique taste gives Wisconsin Ginseng the reputation for the best quality in the world.
For more information, visit the Ginseng Board of Wisconsin website at www.ginsengboard.com. The GBW was established in 1986 as a nonprofit organization representing all Wisconsin ginseng growers. There are approximately 170 ginseng growers in the state. The GBW functions under a marketing order managed by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection. Its purpose is research, national and international marketing, new product development, and education.